Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

Duncan Hart, Jasmine Duff

Politics of early Australian communism

Marxism 2021
James Vigus

A Riot to a Festival: A Political History of Mardi Gras

Marxism 2011
Tom Bramble

From Mao to Xi: Understanding chinese state capitalism

Socialism 2021
Omar Hassan, Chloe Rafferty, Emma Norton

Everything you ever wanted to know about socialism but were too afraid to ask

Marxism 2018
Kerri Parke

Where does racism come from?

Marxism 2021
Sandra Bloodworth

The roots of sexual violence

Marxism 2015
Louise O'Shea

Forty years on from the women's liberation movement

Marxism 2014
Mick Armstrong

Jim Cairns: The Last Radical ALP Leader?

Marxism 2011
Alexis Vassiley

Revolutionary Rehearsals: Portugal 1974

Marxism 2011
Vashti Fox

Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt and theories of fascism

Marxism 2019
Tom O'Lincoln, Kyla Etoile

Celebrating Slaughter: What's Wrong with ANZAC Day?

Marxism 2011
Kate Doherty

Beyond Adani: Climate change, corporate greed and popular resistance

Socialism 2018
Yasemin Shamsili

The great dress rehearsal: the Russian Revolution of 1905

Marxism 2015
Mick Armstrong

Anarchism's historical record of counter-revolution: from Proudhon to the FAI

Socialism 2021
Rick Kuhn

How do Marxists Understand Class?

Marxism 2018
Gary Foley

Aboriginal resistance and solidarity in the 20th century

Marxism 2021
Colleen Bolger

Eleanor Marx: organising women workers

Marxism 2007
Jerome Small

The unions and white Australia - A history

Marxism 2017
Rebecca Barrigos

More than a year of hard Labor: Rudd and Australian politics today

Marxism 2009
Tess Dimos

The system behind sexism

Marxism 2017

Showing 321 to 340 of 976 results