Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

James Plested

Auto-capitalism: a political history of cars

Marxism 2024
Yasmine Johnson

The Black Armada: How Australian workers fought for Indonesian independence

Socialism 2022
Shovan Bhattarai

Gandhi, the left and Indian independence

Marxism 2023
Omar Hassan

Marxism 101: How do the 1% rule?

Socialism 2023
Steph Price

Unlivable cities: the politics of urban development

Marxism 2022
Luka Kiernan

Why we cant change the world through parliament

Marxism 2022
Lily Campbell

Climate destruction and crisis: understanding capitalism and the profit motive

Marxism 2024
Josh Lees

Capitalism and cities: a critique of David Harvey's theory of urban development

Marxism 2024
Rick Kuhn

Twilight capitalism: Debates about economic crisis

Marxism 2022 (Sydney)
Dean Maloney

AUKUS: Australia's role in the new cold war with China

Marxism 2022
Kerri Parke

Can we change the world without violence?

Socialism 2023
Clare Francis

The unhappy marriage of Marxism and feminism: Socialist feminist debates

Marxism 2023
Liz Ross

Rebel women in the Great Depression

Marxism 2022
Nix Herriot

Animal agriculture and the environment

Revolution 2020
Matthew Mercer

Luxemburg and The Mass Strike

Revolution 2022
Vinil Kumar

Australian Empire: A brief history of the 'Pacific Family'

Socialism 2023
Duncan Hart

Revolutionary socialism vs. Social Democracy

Revolution 2023
Oskar Martin

Killer cops, racist politicians and culture wars: anti-Indigenous racism today

Marxism 2024
Diane Fieldes, Eva Sutherland, Audra Hope

High school rebellion: from the Vietnam War to the school strike for Palestine

Marxism 2024
Mick Armstrong

WWI and the struggle for an internationalist left

Marxism 2024

Showing 881 to 900 of 976 results