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Rick Kuhn

The struggle to Free Palestine

Socialism 2023

Israel is an apartheid state. Its racist laws and illegal settlements, apartheid walls and checkpoints across the West Bank, and its land, air and sea blockade which strangles Gaza are all designed to wipe out any possibility of Palestinian statehood. Today Palestinians are facing a brutal escalation of settler and state violence. The far-right Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu has cheered on and facilitated settler pogroms like the recent violence towards the Palestinian village Huwara. In the face of ethnic cleansing and occupation, Palestinians continue to resist. In the last decade, we’ve seen waves of spontaneous protest, from the 2018-2019 Great March of Return in Gaza to the widespread protests and strikes in 2021 in the West Bank. This session will look at the recent escalation of violence by Israel and discuss the strategy needed to fight for a liberated Palestine.