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Abdul Aziz Muhamat

Witnessing the refugee crisis on Manus Island

Socialism 2019

Featuring Manus Island detainee, human rights defender and refugee advocate Abdul Aziz Muhamat. Aziz is a Sudanese refugee who fled the Darfur region in 2013. After six days at sea on a boat from Indonesia he finally made his way to Australia. But instead of resettlement, Aziz was sent to Manus Island. There he has remained for six years. Aziz has constantly spoken up for all the refugees on Manus Island, and has been harassed, jailed and labelled a troublemaker during his years in detention. In 2019 he was honoured with an international human rights award in Geneva. This panel will bring together refugees and activists to discuss the disgraceful and ongoing cruelty meted out by our Government to refugees. Front and centre will be the heroic resistance by refugees, who continue to struggle in the most impossible circumstances.