Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

Omar Hassan, Liz Walsh

Racism, fascism and the far right in Europe

Socialism 2016
Ana Obradovic

Why is society so undemocratic: a Marxist critique of the state

Marxism 2021
Chris Di Pasquale

Proud boys: male angst, misogyny and fascism

Marxism 2019
Liam Byrne

How Do We Win Sexual Liberation? Marxism vs. Identity Politics

Marxism 2010
Damian Ridgewell

Parliamentary participation: Lenin vs Bordiga

Marxism 2015
Jordan Humphreys

Marxism, economism and the fight for revolutionary consciousness

Socialism 2019
Lian Jenvey, Phoebe Kelloway

Communist industrial organising during the Great Depression

Marxism 2021
Tom O'Lincoln

Trench warfare and the roots of revolution

Marxism 2015
Rick Kuhn

Rival Ideas on the Left: Is Reformism Finished?

Marxism 2011
Dougal McNeil

While down the craters the morning burns: WWI anti-war poets

Marxism 2015
Martin Hirst

A history of radical journalism

Marxism 2013
Andrew Moore

How Real Was the Threat of Fascism in Australia During the 1930s?

Marxism 2010
Nick Everett

The Communist Party of Australia and WWII

Marxism 2021
Daniel Lopez

Hegel's Phenomenology: A Marxist analysis

Marxism 2015
Colleen Bolger, Stephen Jolly

For People, Not The Powerful: Victorian Socialists in the State Election

Marxism 2018

The political theory of George Lukacs

Marxism 2014
Robert Bollard

When the Diggers took on the Scabs: Retaking the Waterfront in 1919

Marxism 2009
Jess Lenehan

Concepts of Marxism: Exploitation

Marxism 2015
Lars Lih

Lenin and the Democratic Revolution to the End

Marxism 2011
Sarah Garnham

Marx and Engel's contribution to fighting women's oppression

Marxism 2014

Showing 361 to 380 of 976 results