Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

Clare Francis

The unhappy marriage of Marxism and feminism: Socialist feminist debates

Marxism 2023
Liz Ross

Rebel women in the Great Depression

Marxism 2022
Nix Herriot

Animal agriculture and the environment

Revolution 2020
Mick Armstrong

WWI and the struggle for an internationalist left

Marxism 2024
Emma Norton

The Stalinist counter-revolution in Russia

Socialism 2022
Robert Narai

100 years of Georg Lukacs' History and Class Consciousness

Marxism 2023
Hersha Kadkol

Marxism 101: The Russian Revolution

Socialism 2023
Colleen Bolger

The Red Guards in the Russian Revolution

Marxism 2022
Kelly Cvetkova

How does history change?

Marxism 2022
Liam Ward

Prisons, police and parliaments: understanding the capitalist state

Marxism 2024
April Holcombe

Understanding Chinese capitalism today

Marxism 2022 (Sydney)
Sagar Sanyal

"Dripping with blood and dirt": capitalism, colonialism and slavery

Marxism 2022
Sandra Bloodworth

How the South African working-class defeated apartheid

Marxism 2024
Jerome Small

Bolsheviks, elections and party building

Marxism 2023
Jerome Small, Mick Armstrong, Yasmine Johnson

Disrupting the Australian war machine: lessons, strategies, tactics

Marxism 2024
Sel Dowd

The gains and limitations of the women's liberation movement

Revolution 2022
Rick Kuhn

The struggle to Free Palestine

Socialism 2023
Liam Parry

Marx the agitator: forging the First International

Revolution 2023
April Holcombe

Fortress Europe: militarisation and border control

Marxism 2024
Jack Mansell

Chile 1973: 50th anniversary of the Pinochet coup

Socialism 2023

Showing 921 to 940 of 976 results