Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

Robert Bollard

Australia on the Brink of Revolution: The 1917 General Strike

Marxism 2008
Sandra Bloodworth

The origins of Bolshevism in Russia: A new interpretation

Marxism 2009
Tim Arnot

Tear Down the Statues: Australia's History Wars

Marxism 2018
Hersha Kadkol

Is there anything good about the United Nations?

Marxism 2019
Colleen Bolger

Red Petrograd in 1917: How the Bolsheviks led the revolution in the factories

Marxism 2010
Mick Armstrong

The Workers Party of Brazil: from radical hopes to embracing neoliberalism

Marxism 2019
Tom Bramble, Lee Rhiannon, Elizabeth Humphrys

How Labor built neoliberalism: Australia's Accord, the labour movement and the neoliberal project

Marxism 2019
Mick Armstrong

Building a socialist organisation from scratch - Felix Dzerzhinsky and Polish Marxism

Marxism 2007
Robert Bollard

1916: The first anti-conscription referendum in Australia

Marxism 2016
Duncan Hart

Resistance in Stalin's Gulags: the Vorkuta Uprising

Marxism 2018

The 1986 Nurses Strike

Marxism 2014
Jasmine Duff

A Marxist critique of privilege theory

Socialism 2021

Left and labour Zionism: the struggle for Palestine

Marxism 2014
Simone White, Frieda Afary

Class struggle in Iran

Marxism 2021
Diane Fieldes, Adrian Jones

Did Lenin Lead to Stalin? A Debate Between Adrian Jones, a Lecturer in Russian History at La Trobe University, and Socialist Alternative's Diane Fieldes

Marxism 2010
Liam Ward

How do Marxists Operate in the Trade Unions: Lessons of the Teamster Rebellion

Marxism 2010
Vashti Fox

1968: Intellectual currents in the international student movement

Marxism 2018
Sandra Bloodworth

Marxism 101: Marxism and women's liberation

Socialism 2018
Jordan Humphreys

Foucault's "History of sexuality": a Marxist engagement

Marxism 2016
Sadia Schneider

The point is to change it: Marx's theses on Feurerbach and the philosophy of praxis

Marxism 2016

Showing 81 to 100 of 976 results