Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

Declan Murphy

The tribune of the French revolution: the Friend of the People

Marxism 2015
Emma Norton

Concepts of Marxism: The Russian Revolution

Marxism 2015
Emma Norton

Federici's Witches, Witch-hunting and Women

Socialism 2019
Josh Lees

Against the concrete jungle: The politics of urban development

Socialism 2019
Emma Norton

Abolish the police! The history of police under capitalism

Marxism 2021
Omar Hassan, Liz Walsh

The humanism at the heart of Marxism

Marxism 2014
Rick Kuhn

Commodities, capital and crisis: Why marxist economics matters

Marxism 2016
Rick Kuhn, Michael Roberts

Understanding the current economic crisis

Marxism 2021
Omar Hassan, Liz Walsh

The role of sexuality and identity in social control

Marxism 2015
Roberto Jorquera

The end of reformism - Chile 1972-73

Socialism 2015
Diane Fieldes, Rick Kuhn, Alma Torlakovic

Fighting for Power in the Ivory Tower: Struggle at Sydney University

Marxism 2018
Jordan Humphreys

Nicos Poulantzas, the state and revolutionary strategy

Marxism 2019
Moira Nolan

We are many, they are few: Shelley and the Peterloo Massacre

Marxism 2019
Chloe Rafferty

Marxism 101 - Historical materialism

Socialism 2015
Mick Armstrong

Between February and October: A cauldron of debate in the Bolshevik Party

Marxism 2018
Diane Fieldes

Why is the third world so poor?

Socialism 2018
Luca Tavan

Marx's Activism in the First International

Marxism 2018
Rick Kuhn

The road forward for socialists today: Broad party or narrow party?

Marxism 2007
Sandra Bloodworth

Lenin, Luxemburg, and the revolutionary strategy for reform

Socialism 2021
Chloe Rafferty

Marx on revolution: From radical democracy to the Commune

Socialism 2018

Showing 101 to 120 of 976 results