Marx Talks Logo

Browse 700+ talks from Socialist Alternative’s conferences, including Marxism Conference, Socialism Sydney & more

Sarah Garnham

A history of the Communist International

Marxism 2017
Sadia Schneider

Lenin's theory of the revolutionary party

Socialism 2019
Colleen Bolger

Education and Struggle: How Can People's Ideas Change?

Marxism 2018
Jade Eckhaus

Zionism and the Invention of the Jewish People

Marxism 2011
Omar Hassan

Rosa Luxemburg's The Mass strike

Marxism 2012
Tom Bramble

Making sense of a multi-polar world: Understanding imperialism today

Socialism 2017
Corey Oakley

Was Founding the Communist International a Mistake?

Marxism 2010
Tess Lee Ack

The SWAG Years: Revolutionary Organising in 1970s Australia

Marxism 2018
Vashti Fox

Student radicals vs the Red Professors of the Frankfurt School in the 1960s

Marxism 2015
Sarah Garnham

Strike together, march separately: Understanding the united front

Socialism 2019
James Plested

John Berger: Ways of Seeing

Marxism 2019
Daniel Taylor

Marxism vs Anarcho-communism: how do we smash the state

Socialism 2021
James Plested

Flame on the snow - Poetry and literature in the Russian revolution

Marxism 2017
Jordan Humphreys

The myth of 'Swedish socialism'

Socialism 2017
Khury Petersen-Smith

#BlackLivesMatter and police racism

Marxism 2015
Liam Ward

Between Stalinism and the U.S. empire: A history of North Korea

Socialism 2018
Sandra Bloodworth

Can Humans Really Live Collectively? Lessons from Pre-Class Societies

Marxism 2018
Corey Oakley

Imperialism, Arab capitalism and counter-revolution

Marxism 2015
Daniel Taylor

The crisis of leaderless movements

Marxism 2015

Sverdlov: Russian Bolshevism's imperious chairman

Marxism 2014

Showing 141 to 160 of 976 results